Exchanging messages over an ssl ingress


Before you start, you need to have access to a running Kubernetes cluster environment. A Minikube instance running on your laptop will do fine.

Enable nginx and ssl passthrough for minikube

$ minikube addons enable ingress
$ minikube kubectl -- patch deployment -n ingress-nginx ingress-nginx-controller --type='json' -p='[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/template/spec/containers/0/args/-", "value":"--enable-ssl-passthrough"}]'

Deploy the operator

create the namespace

$ kubectl create namespace send-receive-project
$ kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=send-receive-project

Go to the root of the operator repo and install it:

$ cd send-receive-project
$ ./deploy/install_opr.sh

Wait for the Operator to start (status: running).

$ kubectl get pod --namespace send-receive-project --watch

Deploy the ActiveMQ Artemis Broker

For this tutorial we need to:

  • have a broker that is able to listen to any network interface. For that we setup an acceptor that will be listening on every interfaces on port 62626.
  • have the ssl protocol configured for the acceptor
  • have queues to exchange messages on. These are configured by the broker properties. Two queues are setup, one called APP.JOBS that is of type ANYCAST and one called APP.COMMANDS that is of type MULTICAST.

Create the certs

We’ll take some inspiration from the ssl broker setup to configure the certificates.

[!NOTE] In this tutorial:

  • The password used for the certificates is 000000.
  • The secret name is send-receive-sslacceptor-secret composed from the broker name send-receive and the acceptor name sselacceptor
$ keytool -genkeypair -alias artemis -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -storetype PKCS12 -keystore broker.ks -validity 3000
$ keytool -export -alias artemis -file broker.cert -keystore broker.ks
$ keytool -import -v -trustcacerts -alias artemis -file broker.cert -keystore client.ts
$ kubectl create secret generic send-receive-sslacceptor-secret --from-file=broker.ks --from-file=client.ts --from-literal=keyStorePassword='000000' --from-literal=trustStorePassword='000000' -n send-receive-project

Start the broker

$ kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: broker.amq.io/v1beta1
kind: ActiveMQArtemis
  name: send-receive
  namespace: send-receive-project
  ingressDomain: localresolvconf.com
    - name: sslacceptor
      port: 62626
      expose: true
      sslEnabled: true
      sslSecret: send-receive-sslacceptor-secret
    - addressConfigurations."APP.JOBS".routingTypes=ANYCAST
    - addressConfigurations."APP.JOBS".queueConfigs."APP.JOBS".routingType=ANYCAST
    - addressConfigurations."APP.COMMANDS".routingTypes=MULTICAST

Wait for the Broker to be ready:

kubectl get ActivemqArtemis  --watch
NAME           READY   AGE
send-receive   False   14s
send-receive   True    51s
send-receive   True    51s

Create a route to access the ingress:

Check for the ingress availability:

$ kubectl get ingress --show-labels
NAME                                 CLASS   HOSTS                                                                              ADDRESS         PORTS     AGE   LABELS
send-receive-sslacceptor-0-svc-ing   nginx   send-receive-sslacceptor-0-svc-ing-send-receive-project.localresolvconf.com   80, 443   18h   ActiveMQArtemis=send-receive,application=send-receive-app,statefulset.kubernetes.io/pod-name=send-receive-ss-0

[!NOTE] The ingress hostname is resolving to send-receive-sslacceptor-0-svc-ing-send-receive-project.localresolvconf.com. This is because we have specified in the broker spec an ingressDomain. This field must be populated for the operation to succeed.

For instance, you can add a new entry in your /etc/hosts to make this domain point to the associated address, in our example:

$ cat /etc/hosts
[...] send-receive-sslacceptor-0-svc-ing-send-receive-project.localresolvconf.com

Exchanging messages between a producer and a consumer

Download the latest release of ActiveMQ Artemis, decompress the tarball and locate the artemis executable.

The artemis will need to point to the https endopint generated in earlier with a couple of parameters set:

  • sslEnabled = true
  • verifyHost = false
  • trustStorePath = /some/path/broker.ks
  • trustStorePassword = 000000

To use the consumer and the producer you’ll need to give the path to the broker.ks file you’ve created earlier. In the following commands the file is located to /home/tlavocat/dev/send-receive-project/broker.ks.


For this use case, run first the producer, then the consumer.

$ ./artemis producer --destination queue://APP.JOBS --url "tcp://send-receive-sslacceptor-0-svc-ing-send-receive-project.localresolvconf.com:443?sslEnabled=true&verifyHost=false&trustStorePath=/home/tlavocat/dev/send-receive-project/broker.ks&trustStorePassword=000000"
Connection brokerURL = tcp://send-receive-sslacceptor-0-svc-ing-send-receive-project.localresolvconf.com:443?sslEnabled=true&verifyHost=false&trustStorePath=/home/tlavocat/dev/send-receive-project/broker.ks&trustStorePassword=000000
Producer ActiveMQQueue[APP.JOBS], thread=0 Started to calculate elapsed time ...

Producer ActiveMQQueue[APP.JOBS], thread=0 Produced: 1000 messages
Producer ActiveMQQueue[APP.JOBS], thread=0 Elapsed time in second : 7 s
Producer ActiveMQQueue[APP.JOBS], thread=0 Elapsed time in milli second : 7800 milli seconds
$ ./artemis consumer --destination queue://APP.JOBS --url "tcp://send-receive-sslacceptor-0-svc-ing-send-receive-project.localresolvconf.com:443?sslEnabled=true&verifyHost=false&trustStorePath=/home/tlavocat/dev/send-receive-project/broker.ks&trustStorePassword=000000"
Connection brokerURL = tcp://send-receive-sslacceptor-0-svc-ing-send-receive-project.localresolvconf.com:443?sslEnabled=true&verifyHost=false&trustStorePath=/home/tlavocat/dev/send-receive-project/broker.ks&trustStorePassword=000000
Consumer:: filter = null
Consumer ActiveMQQueue[APP.JOBS], thread=0 wait until 1000 messages are consumed
Received 1000
Consumer ActiveMQQueue[APP.JOBS], thread=0 Consumed: 1000 messages
Consumer ActiveMQQueue[APP.JOBS], thread=0 Elapsed time in second : 0 s
Consumer ActiveMQQueue[APP.JOBS], thread=0 Elapsed time in milli second : 619 milli seconds
Consumer ActiveMQQueue[APP.JOBS], thread=0 Consumed: 1000 messages
Consumer ActiveMQQueue[APP.JOBS], thread=0 Consumer thread finished


For this use case, run first the consumer(s), then the producer. More details there https://activemq.apache.org/components/artemis/documentation/2.0.0/address-model.html.

In n other terminal(s) connect n consumer(s):

$ ./artemis consumer --destination topic://APP.COMMANDS --url "tcp://send-receive-sslacceptor-0-svc-ing-send-receive-project.localresolvconf.com:443?sslEnabled=true&verifyHost=false&trustStorePath=/home/tlavocat/dev/send-receive-project/broker.ks&trustStorePassword=000000"
Connection brokerURL = tcp://send-receive-sslacceptor-0-svc-ing-send-receive-project.localresolvconf.com:443?sslEnabled=true&verifyHost=false&trustStorePath=/home/tlavocat/dev/send-receive-project/broker.ks&trustStorePassword=000000
Consumer:: filter = null
Consumer ActiveMQTopic[APP.COMMANDS], thread=0 wait until 1000 messages are consumed
Received 1000
Consumer ActiveMQTopic[APP.COMMANDS], thread=0 Consumed: 1000 messages
Consumer ActiveMQTopic[APP.COMMANDS], thread=0 Elapsed time in second : 19 s
Consumer ActiveMQTopic[APP.COMMANDS], thread=0 Elapsed time in milli second : 19499 milli seconds
Consumer ActiveMQTopic[APP.COMMANDS], thread=0 Consumed: 1000 messages
Consumer ActiveMQTopic[APP.COMMANDS], thread=0 Consumer thread finished

Then connect the producer to start broadcasting messages.

$ ./artemis producer --destination topic://APP.COMMANDS --url "tcp://send-receive-sslacceptor-0-svc-ing-send-receive-project.localresolvconf.com:443?sslEnabled=true&verifyHost=false&trustStorePath=/home/tlavocat/dev/send-receive-project/broker.ks&trustStorePassword=000000"
Connection brokerURL = tcp://send-receive-sslacceptor-0-svc-ing-send-receive-project.localresolvconf.com:443?sslEnabled=true&verifyHost=false&trustStorePath=/home/tlavocat/dev/send-receive-project/broker.ks&trustStorePassword=000000
Producer ActiveMQTopic[APP.COMMANDS], thread=0 Started to calculate elapsed time ...

Producer ActiveMQTopic[APP.COMMANDS], thread=0 Produced: 1000 messages
Producer ActiveMQTopic[APP.COMMANDS], thread=0 Elapsed time in second : 1 s
Producer ActiveMQTopic[APP.COMMANDS], thread=0 Elapsed time in milli second : 1081 milli seconds